Saturday, February 7, 2009

Recovery is Coming Along Nicely

Hey everyone. Just wanted to blog a little bit about my recovery. It is going really well! I swam 1.5 miles yesterday and today I bilked 20 miles and then hit the weights. Knee is feeling really good! I did a tempo run on Thursday at race speed and held on with no pain for 4 miles.

Tomorrow I am going to run 10 KM and see how it feels. I am being VERY conservative with my mileage so as not to overstress.

If the run goes well tomorrow I will enter the Lone Star Triathlon which is held in April. It's a 1/2 Ironman distance event.

My new bike works really well. Of course, my wireless computer threw its magnet off the wheel during the ride. I thought I heard something weird and saw what I thought was a rock come off my wheel. Then I noticed my speed registered as zero.

Anyway, when I got home, I called the folks at Webster Bicycle and they gave me another magnet free of charge. They are too cool!

Bye for now and don't forget to Tri Your Best!


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